How to use the app


Coming soon


a. On -home page- drag down top ribbon

b. Click PROFILE ( )

c. Under ABOUT tab

d. Scroll down, click EDIT ( )

e. Answer each question

- Click SAVE ( ) before clicking NEXT ( )

f. When you finish, you will be redirected back to home page automatically.


Step 1

Examples of personality and professional questions:

- Where do you see yourself in 5 years ?

- What is your favorite sport ?

- Are you an introvert or extrovert ?

The questions in this video are for marketing purposes only

We encourage exploring websites that offer free tests/quizzes ~

  • Personality Type
  • Multiple Intelligences
  • Learning Styles
  • Brain Hemispheres
  • Enneagram Type

Please note, as a company we have no affiliations with such websites.


a. On -home page- drag down top ribbon

b. Click SETTINGS ( )

c. Click PERSONAL ( )

d. Under “Make profile questions private”, you can choose if each question and answer are kept private or not. If you select private ( ), then its only visible to you.

Note: By default all questions are private.


Step 2

e. Click (X) to exit settings back to home page

The questions in this video are for marketing purposes only


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Last updated 2024