What are our pain points

We don’t have an application that gives us the right knowledge, at the right time, to make the right decision

and ultimately –

help us all lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

Time wasting

Lack of security

Lack of functionality

Lack real interactions

Too many different apps

Too much focus on vanity metrics

What makes us awesome

Taking back control with:

No tracking

No forced ads


High quality content

24/7 customer support

Tree layout for connections

Gamification to monetize interactions

No forced ads

There are ads in the app. Users will gain points in return for watching the full ad. The users then can redeem the points in the in-app store.

High quality content

Pillars :

1) Know yourself better

2) Build knowledge blocks

3) Build meaningful connections

Our Stories

My father was a known-family poet and when he passed away, we realized my father didn’t write his poets down nor we audio/video recorded him. I regret not capturing that knowledge back then.

We developed an INTERACTIVE



& Tasks

that will

allow users to

Write in a diary by adding images, videos, texts and voice notes.

Coming Soon

We just found out my mother has pure German ancestors, but we have no way of knowing who they are. I wish someone kept a record of our family tree long time ago.

Create diagrams in a tree layout and be able to connect with family and friends through chat.

I just renewed the family passports, I had to research the process of which website to use, how much and how long it will take. Where can I capture this knowledge, so it’s easy for my partner to do next time?

Create tasks, delegate to others and add personalized notes for future reference.

Our Features

BFF Gram has been developed to address the needed change and bring many of the most treasured components together in a single app alongside new, fun and useful additions.

Overarched with gamification, where you can gain points and compete for your place on a leaderboard with your network, locally & globally.



BFF Gram





Diary: It is like a book where you can add text, images, audios, and videos to capture the moments & knowledge of people from generations to generations.

Tree: Create different connection trees according to your different networks and requirements like work tree, school tree, family tree & influencer tree.

Tasks: Create a folder with personalised tasks, evaluate the tasks’ progress, and assign tasks to others like barbecue nights with friends.

Chat: Once you’ve created your trees, you can now send them private messages, videos, images & voice messages.


Are you ready for a new social media platform!

You are invited to be part of the future

SitE Map


Virtual Business Card

🇬🇧 UK @ 2023

Company House # 15318224

Princess House

Princess Way

Swansea SA1 3LW

🇦🇪 UAE @ 2019

Trade License # CN-2844599


Abu Dhabi

Copy Right © BFF Gram 2019 - 2024

Last updated 2024